Dental Health Unveiled: Truth About Tooth Decay & Diet

Dental Health Unveiled: Truth About Tooth Decay & Diet


Welcome to this comprehensive blog article where we delve deep into the world of dental health with Dr. Steven Lin, a renowned expert in the field. For years, we've been told that sugar is the main culprit behind tooth decay. But is it really? This article aims to debunk myths, provide insights, and guide you through the maze of dental health. We'll explore topics ranging from the diets of iconic figures like Marilyn Monroe to the ancestral lifestyle and its impact on our teeth.

Table of Contents

  1. How did Marilyn Monroe eat?
  2. The Story of Weston A. Price
  3. What’s at the Core of All Healthy Diets?
  4. Where Do Bioavailable Nutrients Come From?
  5. Losing Your Wisdom Teeth is Not Normal
  6. How to Make Healthy Babies
  7. We Need a Root-Cause Paradigm
  8. Does Sugar Cause Tooth Decay?
  9. Understanding the Immune System of Your Teeth
  10. Where Did We Go Wrong?
  11. Is It Ever Too Late to Embrace Nutrient-Dense Diets?
  12. What’s Behind Bad Breath?
  13. The Root Cause of Bruxism, Sleep Apnea, and More
  14. The Many Wonders of the Ancestral Lifestyle
  15. Debunking the Ancestral Life Expectancy Myth
  16. The Dental Diet

How did Marilyn Monroe eat?

Marilyn Monroe, the iconic Hollywood star, had a diet that was quite different from what we might expect. Her diet was rich in nutrient-dense foods, which is a concept we'll explore in depth later in this series. But what's fascinating is how her diet might have impacted her dental health.

Marilyn Monroe's Diet

  • Breakfast: She drank a glass of warm milk with two raw eggs beaten into it (1)
  • Lunch: Protein-rich foods like steak, with milk (2)
  • Dinner: Steak, lamb chops or some liver, with five raw carrots (3)


Nutrient Density and Dental Health

Nutrient density refers to the amount of essential nutrients per calorie in a food item. Foods like raw dairy, eggs, and red meat are considered nutrient-dense. These foods provide essential vitamins and minerals that are crucial for dental health. For example, calcium and phosphorus are vital for strong teeth.

Nutrient Importance for Dental Health
Calcium Strengthens enamel
Phosphorus Works with calcium to strengthen teeth
Vitamin D Helps absorb calcium and phosphorus

The Story of Weston A. Price

Weston A. Price was a dentist who made groundbreaking contributions to the field of dental health. He traveled the world studying the diets of indigenous communities and found a direct correlation between diet and dental health.

Weston A. Price's Findings

Key Takeaways

  1. Diet plays a crucial role in dental health.
  2. Nutrient-dense foods, especially animal fats and fermented foods, are beneficial for strong, healthy teeth.
Community Diet Dental Health
Indigenous Animal fats, fermented foods Excellent
Westernized Processed foods, high sugar Poor

What’s at the Core of All Healthy Diets?

When we look at various diets that are considered healthy, be it Mediterranean, Paleo, or an Animal-Based diets, there's a common thread—nutrient density. But what does this mean for dental health?

Common Elements in Healthy Diets

  1. High in Nutrient Density: Rich in vitamins and minerals.
  2. Low in Processed Foods: Minimal use of foods that are high in sugar and low in nutrients.
  3. High Protein: Rich in protein, with fats, and carbohydrates.
  4. Low in Linoleic Acid: No consumption of seed oils or processed foods which contain them.

How Nutrient Density Affects Dental Health

Nutrient-dense foods provide the essential vitamins and minerals that our teeth and gums need. Lack of these nutrients can lead to a variety of dental issues, from cavities to gum disease.

Nutrient Dental Benefit
Vitamin A Supports saliva production, which cleanses the mouth
Vitamin C Essential for gum health
Vitamin D Helps in calcium absorption, crucial for tooth enamel

Where Do Bioavailable Nutrients Come From?

Bioavailability refers to how easily our bodies can absorb and utilize nutrients. Not all foods are created equal in this regard. So where should we get these bioavailable nutrients for optimal dental health?

Sources of Bioavailable Nutrients

  • Animal-Based Foods: Meat, fish, eggs, and dairy are rich in bioavailable nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, and essential fatty acids.
  • Fruits: Rich in healthy carbohydrates, and vitamin C.
  • Vegetables: While not as bioavailable as animal-based foods, they still offer a range of nutrients beneficial for dental health.

Why Animal-Based Foods?

Animal-based foods are not only nutrient-dense but also provide nutrients in a form that's easily absorbed by our bodies. This is crucial for dental health, as these nutrients directly contribute to tooth and gum strength.

Food Source Bioavailability Nutrients
Animal-Based High Calcium, Phosphorus, Omega-3s, Vitamins, Minerals, Protein
Plant-Based Moderate Few unique or necessary nutrients that can't be found in animal-based food e.g. vitamin C, carbohydrates

Losing Your Wisdom Teeth is Not Normal

It's a common belief that losing your wisdom teeth is a rite of passage, a natural part of growing up. But according to Dr. Steven Lin, this is far from the truth.

The Myth of Wisdom Teeth Removal

Many of us have been told that our mouths are too small for our wisdom teeth, leading to overcrowding and the need for removal. However, this is often a sign of a deeper issue related to diet and jaw development.

The Underlying Issues

  1. Poor Jaw Development: Lack of essential nutrients during developmental years can lead to inadequate jaw growth, leaving no room for wisdom teeth.
  2. Dietary Factors: Diets low in nutrients essential for bone growth can contribute to this issue.
Issue Underlying Cause Solution
Wisdom Teeth Removal Poor Jaw Development Nutrient-Dense Diet
Overcrowding Dietary Factors and lack of Mechanical Loading (chewing) Nutrient-Dense Diet and chewing

How to Make Healthy Babies

One of the most critical periods for dental health is during pregnancy and early childhood. The nutrients a mother consumes can significantly impact the dental health of her child.

Importance of Maternal Nutrition

  • Fetal Development: The nutrients consumed during pregnancy contribute to the baby's tooth formation.
  • Early Childhood: A child's diet continues to play a vital role in dental health as their teeth grow and develop.

Optimal Pregnancy Diet for Dental Health

  1. Calcium-Rich Foods: Dairy and bone in fish.
  2. Vitamin D Sources: Sunlight, eggs, fish eggs, liver, and supplements.
  3. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Fish, fish eggs.
Nutrient Food Source Benefit for Baby
Calcium Dairy, bone Strong Tooth Enamel
Vitamin D Sunlight, eggs, liver Calcium Absorption
Omega-3s Fish, fish eggs Gum Health

We Need a Root-Cause Paradigm

The current approach to dental health often involves treating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause. This needs to change.

The Problem with Symptomatic Treatment

  • Temporary Relief: Treating symptoms provides only temporary relief and does not prevent future dental issues.
  • Missed Opportunities: Focusing on symptoms means missing the chance to address underlying issues that could be corrected with lifestyle changes.

The Root-Cause Approach

  1. Dietary Changes: Adopting a nutrient-dense diet to provide essential vitamins and minerals.
  2. Lifestyle Modifications: Reducing stress, improving sleep, and other factors that impact dental health.
Approach Focus Long-term Effectiveness
Symptomatic Immediate Relief Low
Root-Cause Underlying Issues High

Does Sugar Cause Tooth Decay?


Sugar has long been vilified as the main cause of tooth decay. But is it the only factor?

The Role of Sugar in Tooth Decay

  • Immediate Impact: Sugar interacts with bacteria in the mouth to produce acids that erode tooth enamel.
  • Long-term Consequences: Consistent consumption of sugar can lead to cavities and other dental issues.

Other Contributing Factors

  1. Poor Oral Hygiene: Lack of regular brushing and flossing.
  2. Nutrient Deficiencies: Lack of essential vitamins and minerals that strengthen teeth.
  3. Genetic Factors: Some people are more susceptible to tooth decay due to genetic factors.
Factor Contribution to Tooth Decay
Sugar Moderate
Poor Oral Hygiene Low
Nutrient Deficiencies High

Understanding the Immune System of Your Teeth

Our teeth are not just inert structures; they have an immune system that plays a crucial role in dental health. Understanding this can change the way we approach dental care.

The Immune System of Teeth

  • Saliva: Acts as a natural disinfectant and contains enzymes that break down food particles.
  • Enamel: The hard outer layer of teeth that serves as a barrier against bacteria and acids.

Nutrients That Boost the Dental Immune System

  1. Zinc: Supports immune function and fights oral bacteria.
  2. Vitamin C: Essential for gum health and immune function.
  3. Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria that support a healthy oral microbiome.

Where Did We Go Wrong?

Modern diets and lifestyles have led us down a path of dental decline. But where exactly did we go wrong?

The Downfall of Modern Diets

  • High Sugar Consumption: Processed foods are laden with sugars that contribute to tooth decay.
  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Modern diets often lack essential nutrients, leading to weakened teeth and gums.

Processed food

Solutions for Improvement

  1. Reduce Sugar Intake: Go for honey or maple syrup, and fruit. Avoid natural sweeteners e.g. Stevia and artificial sweeteners.
  2. Increase Nutrient Density: Incorporate more raw dairy, red meat, organs, fruits, honey, root vegetables, and animal-based foods into your diet.
Problem Solution
High Sugar Consumption Reduce Sugar Intake
Nutrient Deficiencies Choose Nutrient Dense Foods

Is It Ever Too Late to Embrace Nutrient-Dense Diets?

Many people wonder if the damage to their teeth is irreversible. The good news is that it's never too late to improve your dental health through diet.

Reversing Dental Issues

  • Cavities: While severe cavities may require dental intervention, minor ones can often be halted or even reversed with a nutrient-dense diet.
  • Gum Disease: A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can significantly improve gum health.

Steps to Embrace a Nutrient-Dense Diet

  1. Identify Nutrient Gaps: Use a food diary to identify what essential nutrients you may be lacking.
  2. Plan Your Meals: Incorporate nutrient-dense foods into your daily meals.
Dental Issue Can it be Reversed? How to Reverse
Minor Cavities Yes Nutrient-Dense Diet
Gum Disease Yes Remedies to try now 

What’s Behind Bad Breath?

Bad breath is often dismissed as a minor inconvenience, but it can be a sign of underlying dental or digestive issues.

Common Misconceptions About Bad Breath

  • Poor Hygiene: While poor oral hygiene can contribute, it's not the only cause.
  • Temporary Issue: Many think it's a fleeting problem, but chronic bad breath could indicate deeper issues.

Root Causes of Bad Breath

  1. Oral Microbiome Imbalance: An imbalance in the bacteria in your mouth.
  2. Digestive Issues: Problems like acid reflux can contribute to bad breath.
Cause Solution
Oral Microbiome Imbalance Probiotics, Nutrient Rich Diet, Avoid Processed Sugar
Digestive Issues Address Underlying Conditions

The Root Cause of Bruxism, Sleep Apnea, and More

Conditions like bruxism (teeth grinding) and sleep apnea are often treated symptomatically, but they have root causes that can be addressed.

Underlying Issues

  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients can lead to muscle tension and contribute to conditions like bruxism.
  • Lifestyle Factors: Stress and poor sleep quality can contribute to sleep apnea.


  1. Nutrient Supplementation: For nutrient deficiencies, consider supplements after consulting a healthcare provider.
  2. Stress Management: Techniques like deep nasal breathing, walking in nature, and exercise can help manage stress, which in turn can alleviate conditions like sleep apnea.
Condition Root Cause Solution
Bruxism Nutrient Deficiencies Nutrient Supplementation
Sleep Apnea Lifestyle Factors Stress Management

The Many Wonders of the Ancestral Lifestyle

Adopting an ancestral lifestyle can have numerous benefits, not just for your dental health but for your overall well-being.

Benefits of Ancestral Lifestyle

  • Nutrient-Dense Diet: Ancestral diets are naturally rich in essential nutrients.
  • Physical Activity: An active lifestyle contributes to overall health, including dental health.

Active lifestyle

How to Adopt an Ancestral Lifestyle

  1. Dietary Changes: Incorporate more whole foods, especially animal-based foods.
  2. Physical Activity: Include more natural movements like walking and functional exercises.
Benefit How to Achieve
Nutrient-Dense Diet Eat Whole Foods, Avoid Highly Processed Foods
Physical Activity Incorporate Natural Movements

Debunking the Ancestral Life Expectancy Myth

One of the arguments against ancestral lifestyles is the myth that our ancestors had short lifespans. This is a misconception that needs to be debunked.

The Myth Explained

  • High Infant Mortality: The lower average lifespan in ancestral times was largely due to high infant mortality rates.
  • Quality vs. Quantity: Ancestral lifestyles often led to a higher quality of life, even if the average lifespan was lower.

Healthspan vs. Lifespan

  • Healthspan: The number of years a person lives in good health.
  • Lifespan: The total number of years a person lives.
Term Definition
Healthspan Years lived in good health
Lifespan Total years lived

The Dental Diet

To conclude this article, let's talk about Dr. Steven Lin's book, "The Dental Diet," which serves as an excellent resource for anyone looking to improve their dental health through diet.

Key Takeaways from "The Dental Diet"

  1. Nutrient Density: The importance of a nutrient-dense diet for dental health.
  2. Root-Cause Approach: The need to focus on underlying issues rather than symptomatic treatment.
  3. Practical Tips: The book offers actionable advice on improving your dental health.
Takeaway Description
Nutrient Density Importance of nutrient-dense foods
Root-Cause Approach Focus on underlying issues, not just symptoms
Practical Tips Actionable advice for dental health improvement


We've covered a lot of ground in this article, from debunking myths about sugar and tooth decay to exploring the benefits of an ancestral lifestyle. The key takeaway is that dental health is intricately linked to our diet and lifestyle choices. By adopting a nutrient-dense diet and focusing on root causes rather than symptoms, we can significantly improve our dental health.

Thank you for joining us on this comprehensive journey through dental health. We hope you've found this guide enlightening and practical.

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